Posted on 05 June, 2024

Mount Meru Group Celebrates Inauguration of BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Abu Dhabi

In an extraordinary display of cultural unity and religious diversity, MountMeru Group is thrilled to announce the momentous inauguration of the BAPSSwaminarayan Mandir in Abu Dhabi. This monumental event, graced by theesteemed presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, marks a significantmilestone in the journey towards fostering global harmony.

The genesis of this grand Hindu temple traces back to 2015 when PrimeMinister Modi embarked on his inaugural visit to the UAE. It was during thishistoric occasion that the seeds for the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir weresown, symbolizing the enduring bond between India and the UAE. Since then,the government has generously allocated land for the construction of thismagnificent structure, exemplifying the shared values of cooperation andfriendship between the two nations.

Mount Meru Group takes immense pride in its role in this esteemed cause,underscoring its commitment to societal progress and cultural exchange. Asa company deeply rooted in the ethos of inclusivity and collaboration, ourinvolvement in the construction of the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir reflectsour dedication to fostering unity on both local and global platforms.

GovernanceThe inauguration ceremony, graced by Prime Minister Modi, serves as atestament to the collective efforts of all involved parties. It is a moment ofgreat honor for us as employees of Mount Meru Group to contribute to sucha significant initiative, knowing that our endeavors play a vital role inpromoting cultural understanding and mutual respect.As we celebrate this remarkable achievement, let us reaffirm ourcommitment to embodying the spirit of collaboration and inclusivity in all ourendeavors. Together, we can continue to make meaningful contributionstowards building a more harmonious and interconnected world.